How are you men doing? How do you feel about the strength of Men's Health in the US of A. What inspires you to stay health, eat health, and be thinking only healthy thoughts, especially to lovely women and men.
What helps you to control your thoughts? There are many different thoughts men must control, from thoughts at the urinal, to thoughts at dinner with your date (male or female). What are your thoughts about meat. Do you like meat rare, medium rare, medium, or well done? Mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, scalloped potatoes, or tater tots?
Who pays for dinner? You or your date? How do you deliver the bill to your date to pay? Can you decide what to say to that?
Deciding what to say as a male in different situations in life is very important. From the Urinal, to the restaurant, to chapstick. Coco butter lip balm? Like what do you say? How to you keep in line? With the lines? In line at the boxing show of Boom Boom Manchini? Like where do you go for what to say to know? To say?
At least check in with Men's Health Magazine. Periodicals. Woman scenes. Rare meat ideas.
Peace and love to men to say the right things.
Jenny Saferstein L.Ac.