Beetroot - Tonify and builds the blood, promotes Qi (energy, Prana) circulation in the body, especially with the Heart, Liver, Small Intestine and Large Intestine. By tonifying blood our body has more nutrients and when we are nourished, we feel more settled and grounded within ourselves. The temperature is neutral, it counteracts cold and the flavor is sweet.
Carrots - Tonify Qi, and help circulate Qi throughout the body. They help remove toxins and counteract heat and damp heat in the body. Carrots nourish our Liver, Lung and Spleen. Their temperature is neutral and their flavor is sweet.
Yams - Tonify and build Qi and Yin. By balancing and nourishing the Yin in our body we help to calm and ground ourselves. Yams nourish our Kidneys, Lung and Spleen. Their temperature is neutral and their flavor is sweet.
Incorporating root vegetables into meals can help strengthen one's body and calm their mind throughout changes in their life as well, not just in the Fall. Understanding the different health benefits of food is a medicine we all can use.
Cheers to your health~