When the understanding of Prana and Qi arrive one can see how different exercises are needed in life. When one feels a tense muscle, there is stagnation in the tissues and more blood flow and movement is needed to help shift the toxins out of the tissue and push them out of the body through the detoxification pathways. With regular movements this happens naturally, yet our society is in various routine patterns of physical movements that lock one's body into patterns for many hours at a time. That can lead to Qi stagnation and later blood stagnation if the body isn't moved in other ways. After working on a computer for hours, one may naturally jump up and stretch in different ways, this is of high importance. Stretch it out, look silly for a minute if other are watching. You may be actually showing them a healing technique or even a way to free them from a locked patterns they are in. They may even jump up and show you a stretch, ahh.
Control, the more flexible we are with our body the more control we can have over our health. Once one's detoxification pathways are more open, our muscles are more nourished as they are used and our mind is calmed as we shift out different emotions that may be hidden. This leads into the reiteration of the importance of diet as the food one eats directly affects the tissues of the body giving one strength and vitality. Healthy food, clearer mind, stronger body.