A great place to start is with finding an acupuncturist or an Ayurvedic medical professional. An acupuncturist is not just there to help treat aches and pains, they are there to help guide the patient in their lifestyle choices to better improve their health. Ancient acupuncturists used to prescribe recipes for meals to cook and eat, exercises to do regularly, and hobbies that are healthy for each person based on their health issues and interests. Guess what? Acupuncturists still do that! Ayurvedic Wellness Counselors do that too. One may teach Qi Gong exercises to do to help increase circulation for a shoulder injury, while the other may teach Yoga poses (asanas) to help ease heartburn. The goal is to build a lifestyle plan for you while working with the lifestyle you already have. There may be suggestions to what you eat or do that may directly affect your health condition, or that changing may improve your preventative health care plan.
Do not worry about having to be perfect it is our studies, and analyzing of your body, mind, and emotions including tongue and pulse readings, that give the direct answers to what you need. We also work to empower you and strengthen your accountability so that you don’t get distracted, and stay on the right path with regular appointments. The gentle and time tested ways of daily living towards longevity, and healing of what you may have health issue-wise is where Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine helps.
Winter is a wonderful time to begin your health journey with us through online virtual appointments for those living in northeast Ohio. You may also learn more about arthritis care on your own with Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda in the book, “A Modern Fold on Joint Pain,” by Jennifer Saferstein M.S., L.Ac., A.P. This book is for sale on Amazon.com. New to Golden Leaf Natural Health are our live webinars on specific health issue topics and wellbeing topics, visit our “Welcome” page to learn more and to sign up. Let us know what you are working on this Winter in our comments section under this blog article, and feel free to ask us any questions in the comments as well.
Have a wonderful Winter!