In Chinese Medicine white sesame seeds are especially helpful for the lungs, and lung strength. The lungs, are not just the direct organ, but many tissues of the body that help to protect the body's defenses, including the skin. Using sesame seeds in cooking and dining, similar to having them in a container like salt, is great and commonly seen in Japan called Gomasio, this wonderful company Eden Foods sells it in America.
Black sesame seeds in Chinese Medicine help to strengthen the kidneys, not just the organs themselves, but the cortisol levels, the entire kidney channels of Acupuncture meridians, and the Will Power of the person, to be strong, overcome, and have the will power to go on. That intelligence trickles down to the body's intelligence too, to help it heal and overcome a chronic health condition.
Thank you and may you enjoy your journeys with sesame seeds!
Be well.
Jenny Saferstein M.S., L.Ac., A.P.