The Metal element governs the Lungs and Large Intestine as well as the emotions of "letting go" and Grief. As we take a deep breath of the Fall air, we sense a crisp cool quality, a big change from the recent Summer heat. This shift in air quality is felt by our lungs and its energy channel opening to our nose. This is a time many experience colds, a runny nose, sneezing, coughing, asthma and allergies such as hay fever. These are symptoms that can be helped with Acupuncture, medicinal herbs, nutritional support and self care therapies such as Neti-pot use.
Some may also experience irregularities with their digestion and elimination as the Large Intestine comes into play as a an organ that helps us let go of things our body does not need. Balancing one's digestion can also be greatly helped with Acupuncture, medicinal herbs, and nutritional support. This is an important process to go through, a reflection of this is seen in the trees and plants around us letting go of their leaves and fruit. We can embrace this time of the year as a time to cleanse and detox as we move more inward to work on our home, ourselves, and become more in touch with our dreams and aspirations.