The next step is to use the oil, warm the oil if you can and then apply it to your breast one at a time. This is the goal, to show your body that you are paying attention to it and caring for yourself in a loving way that it can always remember to function properly. Massaging the oil in circular motions slowly is the goal. Try to massage gently and soften the tissues, some women hold stress in their breast tissues, and even in the pectoralis muscles that help to hold the breasts. With the circular movements you can start around your nipple, and then make the circular movements larger all the way out to the armpits. Again remembering that the breast tissues filters out through the lymphatic drainage system via the armpits.
Massaging your breasts can bring a great shift to your mood, help you with weight-loss, it tightens your tissues while softening, and increases blood flow throughout the body. Your breasts work directly with your sex glands and therefore you can even heal and balance your female or male hormones. Breast massage is not just for women, men need breast massage too. No matter what age you are, encourage each other to self care check-in once a month with self breast massage.
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Jenny Saferstein L.Ac.